George Mentz International Lawyer - Management Consultant George S Mentz george mentz , International Management Consultants Board of Standards Society Management Consulting Certification Certified Management Professional Certification George Mentz AAFM AAPM Diploma Professor Law School American Academy Financial Management Project Management AAPM v

 International Consultants George Mentz

IMC International Management Consultants Board of Standards Society Management Consulting Certification Certified Management Professional Certification

Welcome to The International Law Firm USA

Our managing director and chief counsel, George Mentz  Esq. is licensed to practice law in the USA LA and the Federal Courts of the EDLA and has been a member of the various Sections of the Bar. Mr. Mentz is chiefly a consultant in the areas of contract law, consumer protection, intellectual property, class action lawsuits, securities law, personal injury, quantum financial analysis, ethics, international law, business, public relations, and financial law, and he has recently been quoted or featured in Reuters, China Daily, Wall Street Journal, Globe, Financial Times Asia, The Hindu National and El Norte Mexico.